Monday, September 6, 2010

Ciao a tutti!

I am writing this blog ahead of time, because my Internet access is quite limited. I am just going to write my blogs and then copy and paste them when I am have internet alla scuola. My first week away has been much easier than I expected. I am surprised because I expected to be extremely homesick. Fortunately, my transition to Italy has been quite easy. I may still be in my “honeymoon phase” but I can’t picture myself ever hating Viterbo. There is a lot to update on, and I am going to give the whole SHPEEL, so if you are soooo not interested in reading this, just look at the pictures and enjoy. Va bene? Va bene
My flight here was not bad. I arrived at LAX and ran into a couple girls who were going to Viterbo. I was relieved to have found people right off the bat. As we were heading to check in I found out that they were on a completely different flight, on a different airline. I thought I was alone. I wanted to cry, and go home. I told myself that I could do it, and everything would be fine. The entire 10 hour plane ride, I was stressed out. I kept reviewing what I was going to do over and over again. I got about two hours of sleep. I did, though, overly enjoy the British accents everyone had on the flight. It was the only thing I could laugh about for ten hours. Right as we landed in London for our layover, I was walking off the plane and I looked over and saw a girl named Kim, who I had met before and knew was going. In that instant I relaxed, every worry I had just vanished. We then found about 8 more people going with us.From that point on it was kind of a blur. I was really out of it. I passed out (mouth open, drool, everything) on the flight from London to Rome. Jet lag is the weirdest feeling ever. When we got to Rome, I was ecstatic but SO ready to not fly again. Our luggage took about an hour to get here. We actually got in before the other flight and had to wait at the Fiumicino Airport for 2 hours. We took a bus to Viterbo, I passed out again ( mouth open, drool).
When we arrived in Viterbo, I was surprised because it looked much bigger and modern than I expected. I then realized that we were outside the city walls. Outside the city walls it is much more modern ( like with Mcdonalds and stuff). We checked into the Hotel Balletti. We had actual keys to our room that you leave at the front desk everytime you leave. Our room key literally made my hand reek of garlic ( this was one of my first realizations that I was in Italy). We headed into the city walls for dinner, by then it was about 10:30 pm Tuesday. I thought it was still Monday. Right when we walked into the actual Citta, I instantly fell in love. It was exactly how I would want it to be. Old buildings, with terraces and clothes lines, and rooftop gardens. Families and friends out walking and gathering in I piazzi. We ate at a really nice outdoor ristorante, I had the best bruschetta and Pizza I have had. The pizza crust is very thin, and everything is so fresh. I am in love with Pomodori (tomatoes). We walked around Viterbo a little bit and I was very excited to be there. I slept until 4 am.
The next day I met everyone else. We got our apartment assignments. I live on Via Mazzini. It is a block up from Il Corso, which is a popular shopping/walking street. There was room mate drama the first day ( I wont go into detail), but everything worked out, and now I love my house. (it is pretty much a house).
I had pizza for lunch, I am in love with pizza. Then we got a tour of the campus. It looks like hogwartz. That evening Kim and I walked around and asked questions to random shop owners, we went into an electronic store and were successful in communicating that we needed a converter. We asked for directions and what time it was. When you ask Italians (or at least in Viterbo) questions, they are eager to help. Especially the older folk. They talk very fast, and are hard to understand. I love that they are so willing to help. We ate at a really good ristorante. I chose a pasta dish that I had never head of, I think it was called pastecherri? It was DELICIOUS. Dining here is very different, and I will explain that another time.
The next day we went to Orientation, and then we went shopping at the IPERCOOP, not ICCERPOOP. It is outside the city walls, it has a walmart type store, and a mall inside. We took the bus back, which was another interesting experience. I walked for days with the heaviest bag in the world. Stand out much? Si.
I ate at a Spaghetteria, which was amazing. It was in the Guinness World Records for the most spaghetti Sauces. There are over 300 to choose from. I asked the waitress to pick one for me that was good, and had pomodori. Mine was very good. Today I had my first Kebab. Which was also an amazing experience. This will end up being a food blog, because I am in love with the food here.


  1. I loved reading this! Are you going to be 200 pounds when you get home?

  2. I love Kebab... except the one I had was veal, but it was so good.
